Saturday, February 24

In the beginning

Welcome to our pottery blog. We started taking pottery classes in January 2007 and we hope you will watch our progress as we learn and improve. Our goal is to become proficient using the pottery wheel as well as with slab pottery.

Here are our first pieces of pottery to succesfully make it from our bags of clay into finished, glazed products. Keep in mind that the pottery looks 200% better in the digital photos than it does in person. The bowl on the left is made using gray clay and the cup on the right was made using red clay.

I found a video of someone making a nice bowl. This guy makes his bowl/vase in less than 2 minutes... it usually takes us 10 minutes to get the clay close to being centered on the wheel. Throwing pottery can be very stressful, I found a video that gives a great example of throwing pottery in less than 15 seconds.

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