Monday, July 30

Welcome to the Jungle

The harvest is in full-swing. If you live near us and need fresh cucumbers, squash or onions please give us a holler. I wish we had a super-buff cow to pull our haul from the garden to the apartment; Something like the cows described in this article.....

Sounds like a cool company!

The Garden is growing strong, here are pictures of both plots.

This is plot 1 and those are monster tomato plants growing down the center. They have grown so large and have dwarfed the basil and marigolds. On the ground to the right you can see a pile of harvested squash being prepared for transit. The onions are growing wild on the lefthand side.

This is plot 2. The beans are starting to climb the bean trellis and the corn has popped up in the back. There are 2 pumpkins plants on the leftahand side that keep growing into the neighbors gardens and we have to pull them back. Currently, the pumpkins reach all the way across our plot, even past the bean trellis. Front and center are Paula's radishes and turnips, yum. The hot peppers are HOT, I'm not sure what we will do with them.

Sunday, July 15

Back from Vacation

Our vacation to Northern Ontario was very relaxing... except for the frequent concerns about the weather in Boston and the state of our garden. We were unable to find a substitute waterer for the gardens and were forced to do the Rain Dance in Huntsville, ON. Unfortunately, all of the rain fell in ON and the garden was left dry. It turned out ok afterall, the plants are large and could sustain themselves through a semi-drought. Here are some of the first fruits of the garden! The green squash are WAY TOO BIG, they should have been picked a few days ago but we were gone. The larger of the squash is easily over a foot long. We also harvested some turnips, onions and basil. The tomatoes are still 2 to 3 weeks away from being ready.

On a sad note: The LCD screen on our canon sureshot is busted and it is now very difficult to take photos with the tiny viewfinder. We are working on a solution, but please forgive us if the photos seem a little off for the next few weeks. I'll try to take good shots of the garden soon, you will not believe the difference compared to the previous photos. Enjoy!