Saturday, June 30

Curved Lip Bowl

I think this is Aaron's last bowl of the season. We ended pottery a few weeks ago, but I still need to pickup our last pieces from the museum. The colors on this bowl aren't spectacular but Aaron was pleased with the curved lip of the bowl. He wanted to avoid the straight-walled bowls that he has been making plenty of.

Sunday, June 24


Aaron hit a creative streak and came up with this funky shaped piece. What is it? A vase? A water jug? Not sure, but he gets high marks for originality. The glaze colors came out smooth and have an Acorn color. I suggested that he make a brown lid that would make this look like an actual acorn.

Saturday, June 16


We enjoy games and one of our favorites is called "Bohnanza" but we affectionately call it the "Bean Game". The official game site is here but that is a pretty weak description compared to the wikipedia site. I bring this up because today we built our new bean support (V2.0). Version 1.0 is visible in the pictures of garden plot A and was simply the old door to our garden. V2.0 will have 4x the surface area of V1.0 and should yield 4x the number of beans! Beans planted that will use the support: peas, yellow wax and kentucky (string bean). We also planted soybeans, but they are small bushes and do not need the support. Eventually we will put strings or rope across V2.0 (the white pvc pipes shown below in garden plot B) that will support the beans as they grow 6+ ft up.

Thursday, June 14

Garden Guide

We keep posting pictures of the garden as the plants grow, but many of our loyal fans have been asking "which vegetables are growing where?". We are slaves to our fans and now we have a guide for you to use when watching the vegetables grow.

The guide is fairly self-explanatory. For the labels close to the edge the actual plant may be slightly off the edge of the picture, so you will have to trust us. Soon I will post a similar guide for the second garden.

Wednesday, June 13

Super Bowls

Paula has 2 bowls to present for your entertainment. The first is s smaller bowl that has really cool textures on the inside and outside. She used a stamp to press the bottom of the bowl and it made a neat "bump" texture. The utside of the bowl has cool ridges made by her fingernails. The glaze did some neat things around the ridges.

This dual colored bowl is very cool because the right side (tan/gray color) is actually the color of the red clay after the bisque firing and glaze firing. The left side was dipped in a blue glaze, but the right side was only dipped in a clear glaze.

Wednesday, June 6

Mug Shot

Aaron has made his first mug (handle courtesy of Paula productions). The outside is actually a darker blue than the inside and the edges (rim and handle egdes) turned a nice brown in the kiln.

Paula's best (but not biggest) bowl to-date. The glaze turned out really nicely, and the rim at the top is dark blue. The tough part about the bowls is making sure they're symmetrical at the rim and at the bottom too.

Monday, June 4

Garden Planted

The garden has been planted and if you look closely at the pictures you will be able to see the beginning of what will be many delicious meals for both us and the rabbits in the garden. In a future post I will photoshop the pics to give you exact locations of vegetables, but for now, just a listing of the goodies we hope to harvest:

Plot A: "big boy" tomatoes, "beefsteak" tomatoes, basil, parsley, butternut squash, yellow squash, zucchinni, cucumber, red cherry tomatoes, orange "sun sweet" cherry tomatoes and marigolds to ward of bugs. The piece of fencing is the old gate to plot A and will be used for bean plant support in the future.

Plot B: cayenne peppers, cubanele peppers, white corn, pumpkins, peas, turnips, spinach, radish, marigolds and hopefully soybeans (the only unplanted crop as of yet). P.S. That is a LEGAL immigrant working the fields.